Pupil and Family Supports
(414) 773-1080
New Student Enrollment
Please do not use a mobile phone for enrollment purposes. Access via tablet or computer is highly recommended.
Enrollment via Infinite Campus is only open to current Wauwatosa residents or students approved through the Public School Open Enrollment. If you are not a Wauwatosa resident, please click here to apply for Public School Open Enrollment.
Enrollment begins in January for incoming Junior Kindergarten and Senior Kindergarten students. Students who are already enrolled in the district do not need to re-enroll for the upcoming year.
All of the following documents are required to complete enrollment and must be uploaded to Infinite Campus. If you are unable to successfully upload any or all of the required documents, please reach out to your school for assistance.
Child’s original birth certificate.
Mortgage document -OR- property tax bill -OR- lease/rental agreement showing the landlord’s name and phone number.
Current utility bill sent to your home showing your name and address.
Your child's most up-to-date immunization record.
Contact Information